In 2013 is YAMATO the drummers of Japan deze drum school begonnen in Nederland. Met de drumschool willen ze het plezier van Taiko drummen aan de hele wereld overbrengen.
Op dit moment zijn er lessen in Amsterdam, Den Haag en Utrecht, met bijna 200 leden in Nederland!

Yamato was founded in Japan’s Nara Prefecture in 1993. The troupe has given over 3500 performances in 54 countries and regions. Every year, Yamato tours the world for 6 to 10 months, creating and presenting original Yamato compositions and stages. As a result of this relentless tour schedule, pursued over more than 10 years, audiences around the world await their arrival every year in growing numbers, sustaining and encouraging their efforts more than words can express.
For the players of Yamato, every encounter with their listeners is a unique and precious experience. Our greatest goal is to send our audiences home after each performance with a new vitality and passion for life. As we continue to tour and perform throughout Japan and around the world, whether in concerts, classrooms, school assemblies or workshops, our troupe will continue to cherish and uphold Yamato, the spirit of Japan.